Monday, December 31, 2007


Due to the sub-prime melt down in in the real estate market, record foreclosures are being filed and hundreds of homes are flooding the market. Prices of homes have plunged and are still descending. Home builders , failing to foresee the coming imploding of the housing market, overbuilt and now they can't unload their inventories without making huge concessions on price and offering big dollar incentives to anyone remotely interested in buying one of their homes.

What does this all add up to? A BOOMING BUYERS MARKET IN 2008. Real estate is at bargain rates right now. Despite the doom and gloom that the media portrays, there is "real gold" in the mountains of real estatedom. You just need to know where to dig so to speak.

Real estate is in a discount mode throughout America. It hasn't been this way in a very long time. What this all adds up to is "a great deal in a great time" for first time home buyers or those who have been out of the market for a time and want to get back in.

It's as simply as supply and demand. There is a huge supply of residential real estate on hand and no body's buying like they use to. This creates three factors that work in favor of prospective home buyers.

  1. Very motivated sellers greatly outnumber willing buyers in just about every corner of the United States.

  2. Mortgage rates are still reasonably low.

  3. There is a huge amount of down payment assistance for first time home buyers and others who have been out of the housing market for at least three years.

These three factors make for a very strong residential buyers market in 2008. Now is not the time to wait. It is the time to buy. It is the time to make your dreams of home ownership come true. It is a proven historical fact that the best time to make a move and acquire good assets, like houses, is when others are holding back.

Home ownership will help you increase your estate and you can stop making your landlord rich paying his/her mortgage and start to build a nest egg for yourself.

Even the down payment, normally the largest obstacle for most first time home buyers to overcome, has been removed. Up to $50,000 or more of FREE down payment assistance is now available to any first time home buyer (classified as one who has not owned an interest in real estate in the last three years). Wherever you live there is a down payment assistance program that likely exists that you can tap into and get started on the road to home ownership.

Generally you will need to obtain an approval certificate from a local government or housing agency that administers these funds. Once you've applied and been approved you will be given a certificate indicating the amount of down payment assistance you will be given. Once this occurs a bank, depending on your ability to show that you can afford the monthly payment, will gladly provide a low interest loan for you. There are several banks already working with local government and community agencies in connection with these loans.


Think again. Many of the down payment assistance programs have no income restrictions whatsoever. You just need to take massive action and take advantage of the market. Its in your favor as a first time home buyer. Don't be left out. Make your dream of home ownership come true.

For additional details contact